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Le gagnant sera annoncé le 14 avril 2022
Votre nom sera mis dans un tirage pour chaque achat faite pour une chance a gagner un panier de pâques avec des produits de Glengarry Bee Farm et du chocolate
Is your Honey Pasteurized?No. We only produce raw honey with all the good stuff still inside. Both our Creamed and Raw Honeys are Unpasteurized. Just as nature created.
What happens when the Honey solidifies? Can I still eat it?Yes! You can eat it as is or you can reliquefy the honey by putting the jar into a pot of warm (not boiling) water for a while.
What is Raw Honey?Raw Honey is not pasteurized, filtered, or processed, and as such. It retains all the vitamins, pollen, enzymes, and nutrients inside the honey. When it is first extracted it comes out as liquid but over time it will naturally crystallize into a solid honey. PLEASE NOTE: While Raw Honey has amazing health benefits, we do not recommend raw honey for infants younger than 1 year old due to a bacteria called Clostridium botulinum that can cause infant botulism and is sometimes found in honey, both raw and pasteurized. Once a child is 1 year old, their digestive system has matured enough to kill the bacteria.
What is the shelf life of your Honey?Honey lasts forever as long as you store it properly.
How should I store my Honey?You can store it at room temperature. Some people put it in their freezer and it turns nice and creamy when thawed. Make sure that the lids are tightly sealed, as honey likes to absorb odors and moisture. Also be sure to avoid leaving it in overly hot locations.
Do you add anything to your beeswax blocks? Are they filtered?Our Beeswax Blocks are filtered and 100% Beeswax.
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